This school represents the average.
Many schools are worse still than what you see here.
rural school improvements
Many of the schools in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the rural areas and outlying villages, are in severe need of structural improvements and safety upgrades.
Our approach to school improvements is simple -
we ask the community what they need the most,
and we find a way to provide as much of that list as we can.
Infrastructure Improvements
Many rural schools need structural improvements. Sometimes it is minor, like repairing damage or wear and tear. Sometimes it is major, like roof repairs or safe walkways. Some schools simply need more space, desks, or their first bathroom. Every school is different, so we aim to provide targeted improvements that make the most impact for the children who attend each school.
Starting in 2024, we shifted our sights to creating lasting impact in the communities we enter. Instead of showing up, working hard for a few weeks, and disappearing, we are committed to prolonged community involvement and long term improvements.
Supplies Distribution
Another major challenge to learning in remote villages of Africa is access to supplies – the expected stuff, like notebooks, pencils, and textbooks, but we also consider items like shoes to make the walk to school a necessary supply. We love working with the local community not only to source these items, but also to outfit the children with what they need most.